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Optimal Arousal through Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic Strategies

West Kentucky Educational Cooperative

"keeping students on an even keel"

was developed to increase student motivation and decrease
disruptive behavior using sensory regulating strategies in 5 steps

Identify the Frequency of the Need
Narrow down target behaviors to 1 or 2
Determine how sensory modifications can be delivered in the least restrictive manner
Select strategies that are good for teaching all students, but essential for our focus student

Step 4
Step 1 - We identified potential sensory antecedents to disruptive behavior.
Step 2 - We determined the frequency of the sensory intervention.
Step 3 - We determined which sensory area(s) to target first.​
Step 4 - Now, let's use a tiered approach to determine how to maintain optimal arousal in a least restrictive environment

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