Optimal Arousal through Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic Strategies

West Kentucky Educational Cooperative

Tier 1
The Sensory Learning Strategies
At the tier 1 level, all students in the classroom are engaged in stimulating activities designed to increase arousal, stimulate learning, and decrease disruptive behaviors. At this level, students with Sensory Processing Disorders benefit greatly from receiving the desired stimulation in an manner that is acceptable within the classroom environment. Students with sensory processing disorders are able to learn in a manner that makes sense and feels good to them.
At the same time, their peers may not require sensation for homeostasis, they may already be ready to learn; however, learning with action is more memorable and more engaging. As a result, this method of teaching is universally designed. It is specifically tailored to meet sensory needs yet it generates great, memorable lessons for all students.
"good for all - essential for some"