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Optimal Arousal through Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic Strategies
West Kentucky Educational Cooperative
Tier 3 Total Immersion
The Sensory Room or Sensory Corner
Tier 3 is reserved for students with significant sensory processing disorders. These students typically have IEPS and receive minutes of instruction outside of the general education classroom. A properly prepared sensory diet allows
for a "sensory reboot" to occur periodically
throughout the school day.
This "sensory reboot" should be scheduled into a well-constructed sensory diet. That means that this total immersion into a sensory experience should be used as a method of satiating the student's sensory cravings or avoidance shortly before they have been observed to occur. The room or corner is used to stimulate the student's senses or to reduce sensation depending on the needs of each student.
The sensory area should be used on a scheduled basis and not randomly. It is critical that the sensory room or corner not be incorrectly perceived as a punishment or reward by the student. Schedules should be derived through behavioral observations that acutely focus on target behaviors and the timing of their escalations.
Typically, sensory rooms may be used as a reboot each day, especially after the overwhelming sensations of the student's bus ride and breakfast.
Another likely time for a sensory room break would be after lunch.
A 10-minute reboot may be critical for alleviating the built up
of sensory overload and establishing optimal arousal prior
to engaging in a lesson.
The Occupational Therapist is the professional that can provide insight into the establishment of sensory areas, sensory items, and the establishment of a sensory diet (schedule).
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