Optimal Arousal through Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic Strategies

West Kentucky Educational Cooperative

Step 3
What are the 1-2 target behaviors we need to nail down?
The Sensory Diet Analysis of Findings is a tool to document what behaviors will be targeted,
what stimulation will be provided
or avoided, and how often.
Narrow down the sensory discrimination area, or areas, by checking the top 2 or 3 sensory discrimination disorders that most severely impact behavior in the classroom. Consider classroom safety as you determine which behaviors to focus on first.

Does the student requires additional stimulation as indicated by sensation sought (under/sensory seeking) or removal from stimulation as indicated by sensation avoided (over).
Now see step 4 to determine tiering for the targeted behaviors. Tiering will lead you to the most effective method of meeting sensory needs both in setting and selection of sensory items. It is critical for the student to achieve optimal arousal while maintaining maximum participation in the classroom. Each tier will have strategies appropriate to the least restrictive environment.
"It is typically best practice to only focus on 2 or less behaviors at a time."
What behavior will we be working with first?