Optimal Arousal through Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic Strategies

West Kentucky Educational Cooperative

Sensory Discrimination Disorders
Who is a candidate for OARRRS?
If it is determined that the student likely has sensory processing disorders and responds positively to stimulus removal or introduction, then OARRRS may be beneficial. Let's narrow down the senses the student is having difficulty processing and establish a plan?

Step 1
Download the Sensory Processing Disorders Discrimination Checklist. Make copies and disseminate to all personal that know the student well. Allow each individual to check the boxes to indicate how they perceive the student responds to environmental and internal stimuli. This is designed to provide understanding of student behaviors relative to sensory processing.
Who completes the Checklist?
Classroom Teacher
Resource Teacher
Occupational Therapist
Speech Pathologist
Physical Therapist
Anyone that is observant and takes an interest in the student (PE Teacher, Bus Driver, Administration, Nurse, Counselor, Etc.)

Once the checklists are returned, analyze the results. Use the Tally Sheet to assist in organizing data. Ask yourself these questions:
Which of the eight senses is having the greatest impact on the classroom environment and the student's optimal arousal?
Of the top identified targeted behaviors, is the student requiring more stimulation (Under or Sensory Seeking) or a reduction in stimulation (Over).
Step 1 establishes which sensory area to target and whether you should plan to increase stimulation or reduce stimulation to specific sense.